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Italia (chronologisch)
Girolamo Frescobaldi: Capriccio pastorale
Bernardo Pasquini: Pastorale
Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata per organo K.513 (Pastorale)
Domenico Zipoli: Preludio in re minore
Domenico Zipoli: Preludio in si minore
Domenico Zipoli: Aria & Gavotta in si minore
Domenico Zipoli: Toccata in re minore
Domenico Zipoli: 4 Versio & Canzona in do maggiore
Domenico Zipoli: 4 Versi & Canzona in re minore
Domenico Zipoli: 4 Versi & Canzona in fa maggiore
Domenico Zipoli: 4 Versi & Canzona in mi minore
Domenico Zipoli: 4 Versi & Canzona in sol minore
Domenico Zipoli: All’offertorio
Domenico Zipoli: Pastorale
Domenico Zipoli: Al post comunio (Sant Agustí, Palma de Mallorca)
Domenico Zipoli: Al post comunio (St.-Pierre-ès-liens, Ménestérol)
Baldassare Galuppi: Due sonate per organo
Giambattista Martini: 4 Toccate
Niccolò Valenti: Elevazione in Fa Maggiore
Andrea Luchesi: Sonata in Fa Maggiore (Allegro)
Andrea Luchesi: Sonata in Fa Maggiore (Grave)
Anonymus (nach J.B. Lully 1661): Canción para la corneta con el eco
Россия (Rossija)
Vladimir Vavilov („Giulio Caccini“): Ave Maria
Danmark / Sverige / Norge (alphabetisch)
Niels Wilhelm Gade: 2 Trios & Andante g-moll
Niels Wilhelm Gade: Af Højheden Oprunden Er (Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern / How Brightly Beams The Morning Star)(Orgel Cappel)
Niels Wilhelm Gade: Af Højheden Oprunden Er (Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern / How Brightly Beams The Morning Star)(Orgel Ditfurt)
Niels Wilhelm Gade: Alene Gud i himerig (Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr / All Glory Be To God On High)
Niels Wilhelm Gade: Fra himlen højt kom budskab her (Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her / From Heaven Above To Earth I Come)
Niels Wilhelm Gade: Hvo ikkun lader Herren råde (Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten / If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee)
Niels Wilhelm Gade: Vor Gud han er så fast en borg (Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott / A Mighty Fortress Is Our God)
Edvard Grieg: Doppelfuge über den Namen GADE
Edvard Grieg: Jesus meine Zuversicht
Edvard Grieg: Lobt Gott ihr Christen allzugleich (Cantus firmus rechte Hand)
Edvard Grieg: Lobt Gott ihr Christen allzugleich (Cantus firmus im Pedal)
Edvard Grieg: Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her
C.E.F. Weyse: Leichte Präludien (illustriert)
C.E.F. Weyse: Leichte Präludien (mit Noten / with score)
Léon Boëllmann: Heures mystiques op.29 Versets 1-9
Alexandre-Pierre-François Boëly: Un poco lento
Théodore Dubois: Fanfare
Alexandre Guilman: Noël écossais
Clément Loret: Offertoire sur l’Adeste fideles
Auguste Larriu: Entrée en procession sur l’Adeste fideles
Louis Niedermeyer: Pastorale
Hi Andreas,
I’m so impressed about you playing so much of Gades organ music. And i’m really impressed how good you play as an „amateur“. (In no way negative meant)
I’ve been watching many of your video’s on Youtube over time, and tonight i found your webpage. I also read that you have visited Copenhagen. Maybe there you learned about N.W. Gade?
At the moment i’m part-time studying to become a organist myself, and i’m also very fascinated about Gade’s music. Actually he’s celebration 200 year of birth this year. So a lot of things happening here in Denmark. I’m also playing some of his music. At the moment i’m playing the Moderato in F major – opus 22 (From „Tre tonestykker“ – three musicpieces). I like it so much, but i’m just startet practicing it a few days ago.
Just before Christmas i had the pleasure to play on the major organ in one of the churches where Gade was organist – „Garnisons Kirke“ here in Copenhagen – near Nyhavn and the Queens castle. One of my teachers was playing there, and asked if i wanted to try and play at Gades organ. And i just couldn’t say no 🙂
At home i use Hauptwerk for practicing. And i saw and heard that you use the Marcussen organ trans. organ. And i really like the sound in the sample. But i’m a little confused whether to buy the wet or surround version. Which one do you use on your recordings ?
Kind regards,
Kenneth Holm
By the way, fantastic photo’s from Copenhagen 🙂
Hello Kenneth
many thanks for your kind comment! This webpage actually needs updating (it usually does), since I neglect placing links to my most recent Youtube uploads on this site…
I’m glad you like the pictures of Copenhagen. It really is a most photogenic city. And you are right, I actually discovered Gade’s organ music when I visited Holmens Kirke, stumbled on his grave and learned that he had been the organist there.
I’m impressed you are trying your hand at one of the Tonestykker. I haven’t attempted them so far because I’m afraid they might be rather more difficult than his short works!
Regarding your question about the sample set of the smaller Marcussen organ in the Rotterdam Laurenskerk (yes, it really is a lovely instrument) — I have never used a surround version. My recordings with that sample set are done with the wet version, not the surround. I always listen to myself using headphones, and it invariably seems to me that the sound of a wet sample set leaves nothing to be desired. I somehow don’t think that purchasing the surround set (where this is available separately — sometimes it is included automatically) would justify the extra expense, since I can’t imagine it would sound that much better, if at all. But, as I said, I’ve never tried! I suppose it’s a different matter if you use loudspeakers rather than headphones, but I have no experience with that. (Where a sample set does have more than two channels, what little experimenting I have done with that — for example when you can adjust your listening position by virtually moving closer to the organ or away from it — I have found that yes, you hear a difference but the effect is not all that dramatic, and not something that you really need all that much, in my opinion.)
It’s great to hear you are studying the organ. I wish you every success with that! And if ever you upload something, let me know…!